Even the Attorney General’s Office stated in its Opinion that it does not enter into the assessment of the economic justification of concluding a deal, so the question arises whether that justification exists?
Rezultati pretraživanja: het (891)
By its own definition, the RS Energy Regulatory Commission (RERS) is an independent organization in performing its tasks.
Hrvatska planira ulazak u evrozonu početkom 2023, ali neki finansijski stručnjaci, poput bivšeg člana Izvršnog odbora Evropske centralne banke (ECB) Otmara Isinga, smatraju da Hrvatska za to još nije spremna
Pollution that threatens Serbia if the exploitation of ore such as jadarite from which lithium is extracted, will destroy the entire ecosystem around Loznica
Stable energy infrastructure financed by Elektroprenos BIH was best used by HDZ staff
The Municipality of Nevesinje is spending more than a million KM on the second reconstruction of the House of Culture in the past three years
Because, as the development of events related to the reconstruction of the swimming pool at FASTO shows so far, it is questionable whether this facility will eventually receive a use permit.
In this case, Dunjić's intentions were hindered by the director of the Health Center, who rejected his request to hire a person from whom he charged for this service.
The company “Golden Card” has been usurping the space for the sidewalk for years, which it used as part of a private parking lot that it illegally charged