Rezultati pretraživanja: het (891)
Mali akcionari saopštili da su izmjene Zakona o privrednim društvima RS nova pljačka akcionara, što iz Komore opovrgavaju
Cijene nafte su se stabilizovale na nivou ispod višegodišnjih maksimuma usljed signala o napretku u mirovnim pregovorima između Rusije i Ukrajine.
During the year before last, the public learned that on May 14, the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices of BiH gave its consent to the company “Medietik” d.o.o. for the import of 50 respirators whose purchase price was 2,975,000 KM.
Na Sarajevskoj berzi danas je ostvaren ukupan promet od 35.881 KM, od čega 29.474 KM redovne berzanske trgovine i 6.407 KM prijavljene trgovine.
Due to that, no one in this public company was responsible, because the then acting director of the “Vučevica”, against whom disciplinary proceedings were initiated, retired.
Dvije hidroelektrane i jedna distribucija su izašli iz minusa, dok je dobit smanjena kod „RiTE Ugljevik“ i „Elektro Doboja“.
he Sarajevo debt collection agency Eos Matrix has withdrawn lawsuits against two alleged debtors it charged with fictitious loans raised by the Prizma Microcredit Foundation
SARAJEVO – The Health Insurance and Reinsurance Institute of FBiH, which is responsible for procurement of dialysis consumables, and for…
In their request to the city administration, they write that they submit the request for several, specifically 5 reasons. The first is location.