Rezultati pretraživanja: het (891)
TUZLA – The EPBiH wants to realize the contract with the Chinese investors even though everything has already failed a…
For the last five years, the Service for Affairs with Foreigners has granted 377 permanent residence permits.
The problems started right at the beginning when DEP-OT asked the contractor three times in writing to start the work and submit a dynamic plan of activities.
This time the mayor’s “target” was the company “Bingo” from Tuzla.
Na spisku „teškom“ 14.000 maraka, našle su se stotine flaša vina i piva, a neizostavan je i viski
Ben-Ari je uz kauciju 6. aprila 2021.pušten u kućni pritvor i pobjegao je iz Izraela
Porota je proglasila krivim Trump Corp. i Trump Payroll Corp.