Kasipović je uz lidera SP Petra Đokića najdugovječniji ministar u Srpskoj
Autor: Vesna Popović
Locals have been warning for years now that everything is being done without their will, but also without their knowledge
Mještani godinama upozoravaju da se sve radi bez njihove volje, ali i ikakvog znanja
“Andrićgrad” was officially founded in 2011 by the Government of the RS, the municipality of Višegrad and the company “Lotika” of the movie director Emir Kusturica
“Xplode media” was the only bidder at this tender and in the next six months its task is to work on the image of this public enterprise.
Bakšiš se sada može ostavljati i bezgotovinskim platnim karticama
Ekonomisti su očekivali jačanje rasta na 0,8 odsto
Lordovi uzimaju 342 funte (oko 394 evra) dnevno samo za pojavljivanje
Obim proizvodnje i broj radnih mjesta bili su manji.