ISTOČNO NOVO SARAJEVO – “The municipality of Istočno Novo Sarajevo earned 31,324 KM from parking fees last year, the Communal Police Department told SRNA,” the media announced in January 2020. Only one year later, in a municipality that records a constant influx of population caused by the accelerated construction of residential buildings throughout the municipality, they decided that it is no longer profitable for the municipal department to charge for parking. In February 2022, the Assembly adopted the Decision on amendments to the decision on public parking lots, which stated: “With the most favourable bidder for the selection of the…
Autor: Vesna Popović
U julu je broj blokiranih računa bio manji.
Propeleri električnih turbina na planinskom grebenu koji se vidi s mog prozora danas se okreću neobično brzo.
Ovaj poziv je otvoren do prestanka korupcije u javnim nabavkama u BiH
That the mayor of Vlasenica, Miroslav Kraljević, was in a hurry to award this job to Erić's company is clear from the maximally shortened deadlines through public procurement procedures.
Bh. regulatori izdavali novu licencu za međunarodnu trgovinu električnom energijom.
Ministri EU razgovaraće 9. septembra o hitnim mjerama za odgovor na rast cijena gasa i struje.
Najveći švicarski brend luksuznih satova povećao je 1. septembra cijenu svojih satova.
Obaveza je da cijene roba i usluga moraju biti jasno vidljivi.