Autor: Dejan Tovilović
Postupak je zbog žalbi obustavljen dva puta
U planu da se do kraja godine okončaju sve procedure
Udruženje proizvođača mlijeka i mljekarskih proizvoda “Blago Romanije” sa Sokoca prikupilo je ove godine oko 380.000 KM kroz podsticaje
Nijemci bi mogli preopteretiti svoju električnu mrežu jer prelaze na neefikasne električne grejače u pokušaju da izbjegnu nestašice plina ove zime
Platforme za dostavu, koje rade kao posrednici između kompanija, kurirskih službi i građana, sve su popularnije
BANJALUKA – The District Court in Trebinje ruled in favour of Lazar Butulija from Bileća and found that the Republican Administration for Geodetic and Property Legal Relations of Republika Srpska illegally seized his plot and planned to build solar power plants on it. Butulija is one of the many residents of Bilec villages whose property was confiscated by RUGIP for the needs of building solar power plants by the private company EFT Grupa. They complained that their land was taken away from them even though they opposed it and were not legally informed about their rights, which eTrafika wrote in…
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