Niža za 0,7 odsto
Autor: Bojana Ninkovic
SARAJEVO – Elektroprivreda BIH consistently refuses to provide answers regarding the reasons for the delay in the project to revitalize Block 6 of the Tuzla Thermal Power Plant, which is entrusted to a Bosnian-Chinese consortium and has a total value of 29.7 million KM. At this moment, questions arise about how this project’s delay will impact the overall operations of this state-owned company, which already reports a loss of nearly 25 million KM according to its semi-annual reports.
SARAJEVO – Hundreds of constructed solar power plants in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, within the area covered by Elektroprivreda BiH, are awaiting connection to the electricity distribution grid. As a result, a significant number of investors who have followed the procedures are facing substantial losses on multiple fronts.
Krneta je dobio posao proširenja postojećeg MDM softvera preduzeća
Sve što se tiče privatizacije naftnog sektora u RS kontroverzno.
PRO PR GLOBE Awards jedini je program nagrađivanja pojedinaca
Najviše gosiju iz Srbije
Dodik je ukaz potpisao nakon što je Vijeće za zaštitu vitalnog interesa Ustavnog suda Republike Srpske odbacilo zahtjev Kluba Bošnjaka
Rok za prijem ponuda je 2. oktobar ove godine.