Autor: Andrijana Pisarević

MOSKVA – Ruska naftna kompanija “Gasprom” je od 1. januara do 15. juna ove godine povećala isporuku gasa BiH za 55,5 odsto u odnosu na isti period lani, saopšteno je iz ovog energetskog giganta. Šef “Gasproma” Aleksej Miler i srpski član Predsjedništva BiH Milorad Dodik razmotrili su u okviru Peterburškog međunarodnog ekonomskog foruma tekuća pitanja energetske saradnje, prenosi TASS. Dodik je nakon današnjeg sastanka sa Milerom rekao da će cijena gasa za Republiku Srpsku ostati ista. Srna

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The strategic partners of the Israeli company MT Abraham, which took over the infrastructure of the Mostar aluminium plant for a symbolic 30 thousand KM monthly rent, are the Chinese state companies “CMEC” and “NFC”, one of which is on the World Bank’s black list and the other, according to world media. cooperates with Iran in developing a missile program. In that context, the collapse of the aluminium plant Mostar as well as the takeover of this strategic company today raises the question of the role of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the geopolitical relations of the great powers. After several…

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